3 October 2010

The Changes In Me?

The last time of me acted before thinking and hurt many people. The 'before' I meant is about 6 years ago. During that time I was so active hanging around and simply getting into relationship. Because my hometown is just a small town, bad rumors easily fly around. Mentioned of my name, a playgirl, a slut, what else? Alcoholic, cigar, etc. It's not purposely I want to be like that. Till now, people still remember of what I had done. Even from other school. No idea how rumors can spread so far, just like virus!

Morning wake up, I just realize how much I had changed. Nothing! Still simply get into relationship that last no long, ONS! The only things I changed is thinking! Although few times I had think hard, should I? or shouldn't I? And the result is still the same. Just go with your feelings, your emotions, your needs. What's the point of thinking something with the same result? But the best of me is, "Never regret of what you did!"

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