18 July 2010

View for the Nokia E72

Its a nice phone huh? Today I just found out that I started to like this phone. Huh =.= Seriously the price for it is so damn expensive for the original set. My boss sold it at rm 1100 for Avaxx set which is original Nokia and 1 year warranty. When Im going to have money to get it huh? I love its browsing page via wifi and perhaps its only the reason. Hehehee.... Just found out the page for Nokia E72 and N97 vs Blackberry 

Poor baby wrapped like a cocoon again

Is that Sunday is the day visiting baby? My mum seems like to play with the baby. For me, I still not dare to hold a baby under 1 years old. They are still innocent!!!! Hahahaaa.... Babies are really cute, but only for a few hours! And after that.... Kaaabooommm! I cant stand  if they are crying. "Nice to see, nice to hold. But if you make it cry, you have to be ready". Duhh... I don't have the 'love' heart anymore. You have to call me if you want me to pass the tissue paper.

So, the football fever had gone. And the real fever had came =.= These days keep raining dog and cat, puppy and kitten =.= I hate the rain. Moreover the sounds of the rain makes me cant sleep. It's time to take the sleeping pills and Goodnight my dear~

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