3 February 2010


recently found out this web plurk.com

What is Plurk?

A really snazzy site that allows you to showcase the events that make up your life, and follow the events of the people that matter to you, in deliciously digestible short messages called plurk

What's a plurk?

A plurk is a small message or link, less than 140 characters, that you can broadcast to the whole world, your buddies or just yourself over the web, through instant messaging, and through text messaging on your mobile phone

How does Plurk work?

It's easy. First, sign up.It takes 10 seconds. Then, just post new plurks which tell us what you're doing, or how you feel, or what you're thinking or anything else for that matter and it'll appear on your timeline

so.. be sure to sign up in Plurk! also can embed Plurk widget in blog like mine in sidebar ^^

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